Tumbbad (2018)

Tumbbad (2018)

Details :

Title :- Tumbbad (2018)

Available in :-480p

Language :  Hindi

Sub-titles :- English

Genre :  Action , Adventure , Science-Fiction

IMDB : 8.3/10

 Plot Summary :
The story is based on the Indian mythology of a demon who is loaded with gold but deprived of food. One family has been able to revive the demon by building a temple inside an isolated mansion due to which the family gets ostracized but only an old man stays alone with the idol of the demon. The mistress of the old man do visit the mansion everyday. The house of the family is walking distance away from the mansion which is inhabited by the mistress and her two kids along with the great great grandmother of the old man who is being cursed to live forever after the bite of the demon and the old hag needs to be fed regularly while she is asleep or she might resort to cannibalism.


 How to Download ?!?!

Tumbbad (2018) - Hindi - 480p - 210MB